1906, 2024

FIS is seeking a new Chairperson

By |June 19, 2024|Categories: News, Press Release|

FIS, the coalition of experts driving innovation for a prosperous and sustainable UK seafood industry, has announced that current Chair, John Goodlad, will be stepping down from the Board in December 2024. The charity, which is governed and funded by M&S, Sainsbury’s, Young’s Seafood, Seafish and the Fishmongers’ Company,

705, 2024

Hydrogen power: the future of fishing?

By |May 7, 2024|Categories: News, Vessels of the Future|Tags: |

We have unveiled our latest report taking a practical look at decarbonising the UK fishing fleet, this time comparing hydrogen fuel as an option to deliver net-zero fishing vessels. Produced by experts at Macduff Ship Design, and with support from Marine Fund Scotland, the research provides detailed vessel specifications,

1004, 2024

Smartrawl presents at the FIS Board Meeting

By |April 10, 2024|Categories: News, Smartrawl|

Last week, the Smartrawl team presented their latest project progress to the FIS Chair and Board. Led by Rosie Ashworth from Heriot-Watt University, we heard a range of project updates: from AI integration to trialling the stereo-camera and the successful approval of a patent. Our Board members had the opportunity

3011, 2023

Innovating for the future: Insights from our Board & Stakeholder Committee

By |November 30, 2023|Categories: News|

Smartrawl, net zero fishing vessels, digitalisation and ‘thinking the unthinkable’ were hot topics at Fishmongers’ Hall this week (28 Nov), where we brought our new Stakeholder Committee and Board of Trustees together to discuss game-changing innovation to support the UK seafood industry. Meeting for the first time under the our

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