2908, 2023

New International Fisheries Exchange Programme

By |August 29, 2023|Categories: News|

The Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust and FIS have joined forces to launch an international Fisheries Exchange Programme, to advance global sharing of knowledge around the management of fisheries and the ocean. Exchanges can be to and from anywhere in the world and can take the form of one-off

2208, 2023

Pioneering new designs for net zero fishing vessels

By |August 22, 2023|Categories: News, Vessels of the Future|Tags: |

A report released today from FIS marks a significant step towards understanding the requirements for a net zero fishing industry. The report represents the culmination of a collaborative effort between Macduff Ship Design, the University of Exeter’s Centre for Future Clean Mobility (CFCM), and FIS. It sets out six

808, 2023

New Innovations in Satellite Technology

By |August 8, 2023|Categories: Digitalisation, News|

Since 2021, FIS has partnered with the nature-tech company Space Intelligence to explore how satellite technology can support the seafood industry. Space Intelligence have produced a series of reports (see here), discussing how satellites and remote sensing can quantify the impacts of illegal and unregulated fishing, estimate carbon emissions

2906, 2023

Smartrawl: AI-empowered fishing net to help prevent marine bycatch

By |June 29, 2023|Categories: News, Smartrawl|

Smartrawl - an underwater robotic sorting device which helps fishing trawlers prevent bycatch by identifying and sizing fish and other marine life in real-time - is being developed by researchers from Heriot-Watt University in partnership with FIS, and funded by the UK Seafood Innovation Fund. Smartrawl uses AI-technology to

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