Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability2024-11-18T12:47:10+00:00

Since 2014, FIS has leveraged more than £3million in investment into innovation for sustainable UK seafood.


FIS is currently focusing its efforts on the following three work areas.

All of our other past projects can be explored and searched for here.



Smartrawl puts the UK at the forefront of eliminating illegal discards and bycatch. FIS’s AI-aided precision fishing system will allow skippers to retain commercially valuable catch while releasing other animals back into sea unharmed.

Vessels of the Future

Vessels of the Future

FIS is investigating how to decarbonise fishing vessels in ways that are practical, safe, and competitive for UK fleets. Our partner, Macduff Ship Design, has developed the first detailed plans for net zero UK fishing vessels.



With our seafood supply chain partners, FIS tested how digital technologies can strengthen UK seafood markets by improving traceability and verification, supporting scientific data collection, and adding value to catches.


2909, 2022

New Project – Net Zero Fishing Vessels

September 29, 2022|Categories: News, Vessels of the Future|Tags: |

FIS are pleased to announce a new project in partnership with Macduff Ship Design, who will be developing concepts for net zero fishing vessels. This project has been developed in response to a need identified by experts at the


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