2207, 2021

New Report on Satellite Tech Opportunities for Scottish Fishing

By |July 22, 2021|Categories: Digitalisation, Press Release|

Outer space and ocean fishing may seem like they couldn't be further apart, but FIS is working with Space Intelligence to discover how satellite technology could benefit our fishing industry. The report of our latest project - FIS037- is now available to read on our website. Written by Space Intelligence,

2005, 2021

Fisher designed mobile app aims to reduce unwanted bycatch on the west coast of Scotland – report now available online

By |May 20, 2021|Categories: Press Release|

Scottish skippers fishing on the west coast of Scotland have successfully completed trials at sea of a bespoke app for securely sharing real-time information that helps to reduce catches of unwanted species. The app was co-designed by skippers to accommodate their specific information requirements, their security concerns and their tolerance

804, 2021

Space Intelligence partners with FIS to explore how satellite tech can transform Scottish seafood

By |April 8, 2021|Categories: Digitalisation, Press Release|

Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability announces a groundbreaking collaboration between space and sea, as it commissions tech company Space Intelligence to conduct ‘blue sky’ research into the potential for satellite technology to transform Scottish seafood. FIS, which brings together seafood experts, scientists and the Scottish Government to champion practical innovation in

604, 2021

The Role of Tech in Fishing – Insights from Arribada Initiative

By |April 6, 2021|Categories: Blog|

At FIS, we have been scanning the horizon for emerging innovative technologies that can support a more prosperous and sustainable fishing industry. Our work is guided by key figures in the industry, who are advised by sector experts in science, economics, data, tech, and more.  We spoke with Alasdair Davies,

1503, 2021

Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability announce new projects to help strengthen the Scottish seafood sector

By |March 15, 2021|Categories: Press Release|

Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability (FIS) today announced two new projects, following invitations for pioneering research issued in late 2020. FIS, which brings together seafood experts, scientists and Scottish Government to champion practical innovation in fishing, sought new ideas to explore digitalisation of the Scottish fleet and understand greenhouse gas emissions

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