Scottish Fishing Conference postponed until 2021
Scottish Fishing Conference 2020: From Innovation to Action Due to ongoing concerns with the Covid-19 pandemic we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Scottish Fisheries Conference until 2021. The safety and wellbeing of delegates and speakers is our priority. For the latest news, please check the Fisheries Innovation
Innovative ways to catch premium white fish
As part of a FIS commissioned project (FIS025), researchers at Marine Scotland Science have been investigating the potential for a whitefish trap fishery on the West Coast of Scotland. With this project nearing its completion (April 2020), we caught up with Marine Scotland's Jim Mair, the lead Gear Technician spearheading
What makes a good leader?
In December 2019, Kate Rydzkowski from Orkney Sustainable Fisheries attended a course at Harvard Business School, USA, with funding from Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability (FIS) and The Fishmongers’ Company. We asked Kate about her experience and what it will bring to the Scottish seafood sector. Leading and Building a Culture
Calling all Scottish seafood stakeholders
Prioritising your innovation needs for a more prosperous and sustainable Scottish seafood industry Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability believes that innovation will release untapped potential for greater prosperity and sustainability in Scotland’s seafood industry. Our organisation exists to facilitate projects that can make the greatest positive change for the industry in
Developing future leaders in Scottish fishing
Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability (FIS) is committed to supporting the professional development of current and future Scottish industry leaders. We believe that by investing in people, we can build capacity and release untapped potential in Scottish fishing communities and organisations. This is why FIS, together with The Fishmongers’ Company, is