Vessels of the Future Workshop

FIS hosted a ‘Vessels of the Future’ workshop in Glasgow, where we explored energy efficient measures relevant to Scottish fishing vessels. Participants from Scotland, the UK and as far afield as Norway and Canada came together to share their knowledge and experience, and discuss what alternative fuels, engines, designs, or other innovations are realistic in a Scottish context.

This workshop was a valuable first step towards ensuring the fishing industry’s perspective is included in wider discussions around reducing vessel emissions in the maritime sector. FIS believes that innovation is key to releasing untapped potential for greater prosperity and sustainability in Scotland’s seafood industry, and this workshop generated many ideas and discussions about innovative adaptations that are possible now or which might be possible in the near future.

The event built momentum and enthusiasm towards addressing the challenge of transforming the fishing industry to meet the low-carbon expectations of the modern world. Read the full workshop report here, which summarises the key points of discussion and next steps for the industry.

Alongside discussions, the workshop included several presentations from participants across the industry, who shared their experiences and advice. See a full list of speakers below, and where relevant, their presentations.

Following on from the workshop, FIS and the Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust invited James Duthie Jr, a skipper and naval architect from Fraserburgh, to participate in a knowledge-exchange with Norway. James travelled to Norway to see innovations in reducing vessel CO2 emissions, meet some key players in the Norwegian vessel sector, and consider how we could apply Norwegian know-how to the UK fishing fleet. Read his account of the trip below.

Workshop speakers and presentations:

Alistair Morris
Alistair MorrisThe Carbon Trust
Alistair Morris spoke about how to drive vessel decarbonisation, highlighting projects involving low-emission vessels and infrastructure in ports.
Steve McLean
Steve McLeanMarks & Spencer
Steve McLean spoke about the market perspective, including pressures from rising costs and increasing consumer and NGO focus on the sustainability of wild-capture fisheries.
Vegard Hjelvik
Vegard HjelvikSkipsteknisk
Vegard Hjelvik discussed Skipsteknisk’s work designing fishing and research vessels with reduced energy consumption and alternative fuels.
Oana Racu
Oana RacuMarine Scotland
Oana Racu gave an overview of the Scottish Government’s ambitious net zero targets, and Scotland’s Fisheries Management Strategy 2020-2030 which has specific actions to support climate change mitigation.
Adrian Bartlett
Adrian BartlettEcomotus
Adrian Bartlett, and Jason and Kirstyn Munro, of Ecomotus introduced their pre-treatment system for fishing vessels that reduces emissions, increases air quality, and increases fuel efficiency.
Robin Johansen
Robin JohansenMoen Marin
Robin Johansen introduced Moen Marin’s business as a leading supplier of
hybrid and electrical vessels to the aquaculture and fishing industries.
Chris Smith
Chris SmithUniversity of Exeter
Chris Smith introduced Exeter’s Centre for Future Clean Mobility and its work across the transport and maritime industries. He provided case studies indicating how different vessels can be best supplied with alternative fuels.
David Fenner
David FennerMaritime and Coastguard Agency
David Fenner gave an overview of the safety and regulatory landscape for new fuels. New fuels have implications for crew safety, fuelling systems, and vessel design and stability, and the MCA is working on developing solutions to these challenges.
Imogen Smith-Devey
Imogen Smith-DeveyFishing Animateur
Imogen Smith-Devey of the Fishing Animateur Project explained potential funding opportunities to support energy efficient fishing measures, including the Marine Fund Scotland, the UK Infrastructure, and the Fishing Industry Science Partnership Scheme.
Tom Rossiter
Tom RossiterSafety Net Technologies
Tom Rossiter discussed how precision fishing can bring benefits for fuel efficiency, given that it helps fishing vessels catch only what they aim to catch. He offered several case studies, and also more radical long-term solutions.